
Argentine Championships & Other news











Argentine Young Horse Championship


The performance of the Tatabras at the Series I of the Argentine Young Horse Championship - these are all horses that were sold at the 2009 auction - was very positive, with the following horses/riders classfied to the final event:

Tatabra Rock & Roll (x Milano de Flore) & Ricardo Dircie

Tatabra Syrah (x Milano de Flore) & Juan Sanchez Negreto

Tatabra Rainbow (x Milano de Flore) & Fernando Martinez Zuviria

The final event will take place this coming 26 November and consists of 3 courses and a timed jump off for those horses that have cleared the courses.


We wish to highligh that this is Milano de Flore's first generation, and having 3 offspring reach the final of a championship that includes 9 events and has over 150 participants is an accomplishment that reflects his breeding qualities.



In the Series II, Tatabra Querulante (x Dimitil de Terlong) ridden by Ileana Rodriguez Rossi also classified for the final event to take place on the same day.


We take this opportunity to congratulate the riders and wish them luck in the final event.



Breeder's Championship 2010


The initial round of the 2010 Breeder's Championship took place in early October, and the Tatabra's (and Milano de Flore's offspring) took center stage once again, achieving great results including 4 horses classified for the final event.


The four classified finalists include:


Tatabra Rainbow (x Milano de Flore) & Fernando Martinez Zuviria

Tatabra Rock & Roll (x Milano de Flore) & Ricardo Dircie

Tatabra Rubi (x Milano de Flore) & Fernando Martinez Zuviria

Tatabra Rigoletto (x Milano de Flore ) & Fabian Sejanes


Once again, we highlight Milano de Flore's outstanding performance of his offspring, being best sire of the championship.


Tatabra Rock & Roll and Ricardo Dircie - Finalist of the Breeder's Cup

 Tatabra Rock & Roll


The final event will take place on December 4th and will consist of 2 double courses with a jury.


In the combined event (also known as 'Integrated') - combining jumping and dressage, Tatabra Rigoletto (x Milano de Flore) and Fabian Sejanes were crowned Reserve Champions.  Congratulations!


Tatabra Rigoletto and Fabian Sejanes - Reserve Champions - Integrated Event / Breeder's Cup 2010  (photo courtesy of HIPISMO DIGITAL)


 Tatabra Rigoletto / Copa Criadores



A preview of the 12th annual auction - May 2011


The horses of the 12th annual auction that will take place in May 2011 have started training - a process that sets us apart and where we invest significant time and resources allowing our customers to start training the horses inmediately.  


The 30 horses hat will be a part of the auction in 2011 include the following bloodlines:


Milano de Flore (x Carthago)

Concorde (x Voltaire)

Alligator Fontaine (x Noren)

Frascator Mail (x Jalisco)

Dimitil de Terlong (x Narcos II)

Tatabra Luftballon (x Cor D'Alme II)



x Baloubet du Rouet

x Fergar Mail

x Dimitil de Terlong

x Indoctro

x Alligator Fontaine